
What is a mold and what does it do?


1. Definition of mold A mold is a cavity tool with a ce […]

1. Definition of mold

A mold is a cavity tool with a certain shape and size. It can be used in conjunction with various systems or auxiliary mechanisms in the mold to fill various high-temperature liquid materials (plastics or metal alloys, etc.) into the mold cavity to produce Produce industrial parts with specific shape, size, function and quality.

2. The role of the mold

In products such as electronics, automobiles, motors, instruments, electrical appliances, meters, home appliances, and communications, 60%-80% of parts and components must be formed by molds. The high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption of parts produced by molds are unmatched by other manufacturing methods. The mold is also a "benefit amplifier". The value of the final product produced by the mold is often dozens or hundreds of times the value of the mold itself. At present, the annual output value of molds in the world is about 60 billion U.S. dollars. The output value of mold industry in developed countries such as Japan and the United States has exceeded the output value of machine tool industry.

Meltblown cloth mould

(1) The mold industry is an integral part of the high-tech industry. For example, the design and manufacture of integrated circuits in the high-tech field cannot be done without the precision progressive die for the lead frame and the precision integrated circuit plastic film; the manufacture of the computer case, plug-ins and many components must also be made of precision plastics. Moulds and precision stamping dies; the development of digital electronic products (including communication products) will not work without precision moulds.

(2) The mold industry is also an important field of high-tech industrialization. The improvement of mold manufacturing technology and the improvement of mold industry technology are inseparable from the grafting of high-tech.

(3) The mold industry is an integral part of the equipment industry. As a basic process equipment, molds naturally have an important position in the equipment industry.

(4) The importance of the status of the mold industry lies in the five pillar industries of the national economy-machinery, electronics, automobiles, petrochemicals and construction. The development of the mold industry is required to respond to the development of the five pillar industries.

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Taizhou Huangyan Chuangji Mould Industry Co.,Ltd.